
Meet Erin

Hey everyone!

Today you'll meet the oldest member of the ensemble, Erin. This is Erin's first year in the ensemble, and we will miss her so much next year!

Meet Erin!

Where did your name come from? My parents got the name from a character on The Waltons.

How old are you and when is your birthday? I am 18 years old, and I was born January 22, 1991.

What career to you plan to have? I'd like to be a pediatric cardiologist.

Purple, or aqua. Anything vibrant.
Movie? The Labyrinth
Food? Pasta & Sushi (not together, though!)
Place? The Beach
Actor? Johnny Depp
TV Shows? House & Lost
Book? Velocity by Dean Koontz
Sound? Peppermint patties breaking
Smell? Clean clothes
Musical? Guys and Dolls
Ice Cream? Cookies and Cream
Cereal? Cocoa Krispies

What is the first thing you notice about someone? I notice their body language and facial expressions. Good body language makes them seem approachable.

Do you have a secret talent? If I do, it's a secret to me :)

Where were you born? Homewood, Alabama

Tell us something interesting about yourself. I'm really good at Guitar Hero.

Tell us about a happy memory. One of my favorite happy memories is my third grade birthday party. We rented a hotel room for my friends and me, and we stayed up all night doing 3rd grade things.

What is your favorite Rising Star memory? My favorite Rising Star memory is attempting to win at Nerts (a card game) with Emily, my partner, on the ensemble retreat. We played for at least 2 hours and never did win! But we had fun practicing playing cards. Sometimes we even pretended like we were playing without hands...

What is something you want to learn to do? I want to learn to play the piano.

What is something you are looking forward to? Graduating high school and going away to college. I'm so close!

So, now you've met Erin! Check back regularly for more updates!

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